European Tour

Spring, 2019

England, Ireland, Switzerland, France



In April, 2019, I embarked on a month-long solo tour across four countries in Europe of solo, ensemble concerts and residencies, made possible, in part, by a UCCS Global Intercultural grant. Along the way, I was privileged to perform with great musicians, sound artists and sonic researchers. Wherever I could, I explored off-beaten paths following my ears to new discoveries. 

April 5 – London, England

Hundred Years Gallery – Graham MacKeachan, curator, with Saxophonist Rachel Musson, bassist Huw V. Williams, U.S. saxophonist Dr. Ellen Weller.

April 6 – University of Huddersfield, England

Sonic Arts Forum – Coryn Smethurst, curator

Paper, “Bridging the Fathoms: on Ecoacoustic Improvisation”

April 8 – 10 – University College, Cork, Ireland 

Host, John Godfrey, Music Department Head

Artist in Residence – I worked with Masters students on their environmental compositions including recording trumpet parts

April 11 – Limerick University, Ireland

Irish World Academy of Music and Dance – Artist in Residence Concert with faculty member vocalist Dr. Óscar Mascareñas Garza Lecturer, Music University of Limerick, Cage-Cunningham Professor of Contemporary Performance. Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey. National Institute for the Fine Arts. Mexico. Kerry Hagan, host, Senior Lecturer Digital Media and Arts Research Center

April 12 – Basel, Switzerland

Flatterschaft, Klang Bang series, Curated by Marina Tantanozi and Tassos Tataroglou, with pianist Raphael Sudan and guitarist Diego Aguirre

April 15 – 20 College du Belluard, Fribourg, Switzerland

Luca Musy, director / curator, Artist in residence April 20, concert with College du Belluard Improvisation ensemble

April 22 – 27, Millau France,

April, 25, duo concert with bassist / pianist Scott Walton

Magazin Géneral Curators, Mme Laruer Dominique, Francois Gérant : M Faure Nicolas, Frederic, Louis

Glen Whitehead, Raphael Sudan, Diego Aquirre DAZ Trio

Clang Bang series
Basel, Switzerland
April 12, 2019

Limerick University, Ireland,Irish World Academy of Music and Dance –  Concert with faculty member vocalist Dr. Óscar Mascareñas Garza, Lecturer, Music University of Limerick Cage-Cunningham Professor of Contemporary Performance. Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey. National Institute for the Fine Arts. Mexico. Kerry Hagan, host, Senior Lecturer Digital Media and Arts Research Center